A PWA for all your Hyperlinking Needs

22 February, 2021

Hyperlinkr is a PWA built with VueJS and Netlify functions to generate hyperlinks in HTML and markdown format using a site's metadata.

fullstack web developer

Hyperlinkr is a PWA I built using VueJS to solve a common problem I often had when sharing content on Reddit or GitHub issues, and even in web development. As oftentimes I simply need the hyperlink to display the website's original title, especially on mobile devices it can be quite painful to put together such a hyperlink on the go.


Hyperlink uses PWA's share_target and clipboard API to make it super easy to paste and copy your links. It outputs in two formats; HTML and markdown and uses a Netlify function to scrape a website's metadata in order to retrieve the title.

You can check out Hyperlinkr here and install it on your device, it's as simple as that!